Why Loopeto?
We created Loopeto to enable local people to benefit from local goods by making it quicker and easier to sell your old stuff or give away for free. Membership is free and your community benefits!
Loopeto members also have the opportunity to earn some extra income through renting items they own but rarely use.
We also work in partnership with local schools, sports clubs and businesses providing access to goods and services in the area.
Loopeto members can:
GIVE away for FREE
We've all got stuff at home we don't use anymore, but too good to throw away. You're child's old football boots? They're another child's new boots. Old school uniform? That's another child's new school uniform. You're old karate kit, hockey stick, tennis racket, musical instrument, pram, bookshelf, bed, fridge, lamp, desk, bike, trampoline........ whatever it is, other's might need it!
Members can make items available for free and also access free items themselves.
Welcome to the Sharing Economy!
Have you ever thought about how many things we buy or own, but only use a couple of times a year?! Examples include a roofbox, pressure washer, car trailer, tent, lawnmower, surfboard, paddle board, kayak, kids bike trailer or anything you use infrequently.
Why buy more?? Now you can rent items to or from other Loopeto members, saving money, earning extra money and doing your bit for the environment.
Sell anything item want, as long as you own it or have permission to sell it. Oh........ and it must be legal.!REPAIR
Make broken goods available to others, incase they can be repaired, up-cycled and put to good use. It could be a home printer, games console, controller, tv, strimmer, lawn mower, washing machine, chair, hoover, fridge....... you'd be surprised! Community members could also offer their services to assist with repairs or DIY jobs.